The Ambassador

The Ambassador

André Spiteri presented his letters of credence to His Majesty the Emperor of Japan on the 8th of July, 2014, in Tokyo, Japan. Following the opening of the Maltese Diplomatic Mission in Japan in September 2020, Ambassador Spiteri has been posted as the first Maltese Resident Ambassador in Tokyo.

Ambassador Spiteri graduated in International Relations at the University of Malta in 2005 and in 2007 he was awarded a scholarship from the Japanese Ministry of Education (MEXT) to continue his postgraduate studies in Japan. In 2010, Mr Spiteri obtained his Masters in International Relations at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, Japan. His academic area of interest is International Trade and EU-Japan relations. His Masters dissertation dealt with European strategies for the harmonization of regional trade agreements in East Asia.

Returning to Malta after this post-graduate studies in Japan, Mr Spiteri joined the Malta Employers Association (MEA) on a European Social Fund (ESF) project to create awareness for the employers of small enterprises. His main tasks were research on the capacity and needs of micro business employers and general project administration. Mr. Spiteri subsequently joined the Maltese Ministry for Foreign Affairs and was tasked with assisting the Ministry for Foreign Affairs with general coordination during the 2017 Presidency of the European Union, particularly the  European Diplomatic Programme – Module IV ‘Emerging Challenges and Global Issues in Current Diplomacy’, held in Malta, from 17 to 19 May 2017. Mr. Spiteri was also responsible for the Global Issues desk and subsequently joined Corporate Services within the same Ministry in 2018. Ambassador Spiteri also assisted the Ministry’s Situation Centre during the repatriation flights due to Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.

Ambassador Spiteri continues to nurture a keen interest in strengthening closer Malta-Japan and EU-Japan relations, particularly awareness about the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement. Mr. Spiteri lectured at the University of Malta on Japanese foreign policy and Japanese business culture from 2010 to 2015. He was instrumental to form the Committee of the Malta - Japan Association and assisted in the founding of the Malta – Japan Chamber of Commerce in September 2017 to create business links between the two countries. He also organised events to promote trade and business with Japan for Maltese enterprises with the MCESD, the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Gozo Chamber of Commerce, Malta Enterprise, Trade Malta, Bank of Valletta and other Line Ministries.

Ambassador Spiteri participated in training activities with the DiploFoundation on EU-Asia relations in 2015 and successfully completed Trade Malta’s Go Global Programme in 2019.

Ambassador Spiteri continues to enrich his Japanese literary knowledge by following language studies and other traditional and modern cultural and economic trends of Japan.



大使は2005年にマルタ大学国際関係学部を卒業し、2007年に日本の文部科学省(MEXT)より奨学生に選抜され大学院で修士課程の学業を継続し、2010年に京都の立命館大学 国際関係研究科で修士号を取得しました。大使の専門研究分野は国際貿易とEU-日本関係です。

日本での修士課程を修了しマルタに帰国後、大使は中小企業の認知度を高めることを目的とする欧州社会基金 (ESF)プロジェクトに関連する業務-マルタ雇用者協会 (MEA)に参画しました。
主な責務として零細企業経営者のキャパシティーおよびニーズに関する調査と全般的プロジェクト管理に従事しました。その後マルタ外務省に入省、2017年の欧州連合理事会議長国としての期間、とりわけ2017年5月17日~19日マルタ共和国で開催された欧州外交計画 モジュール4-「現在の外交における新たな挑戦とグローバルな課題」において全般的な調整業務に尽力しました。

また、マルタ経済・社会開発委員会MCESD(The Malta Council for Economic and Social Development) 、ゴゾ商工会議所、マルタエンタープライズ、トレードマルタ、ヴァレッタ銀行、

Office No. 41-43
Kamiyacho MT Bldg. 14th Floor
4-3-20 Toranomon Minato-ku
Tokyo 105-0001, Japan

81 (0)3-5404-3450/1

81 (0)3-5404-3401
